The German Pionierpanzer 3 Kodiak CEV aka the Kodiak Combat Engineer Vehicle is built on a mine protected Leopard 2 tank chassis, is equipped with a hinged excavator and an extendable dozer blade system which, can be exchanged by a full width mine plough. These components make the Kodiak the ideal tool for combat engineers tasked with erecting or clearing of obstacles on the battlefield. By the same token, this versatile armoured engineering system can be employed in the wake of natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or floods, its usefulness in post-war reconstruction is undeniable.
The German Pionierpanzer 3 Kodiak CEV Systems
Multifunctional combat engineering system
MBT Leopard 2 chassis
Hinged excavator system
Extendable dozer system
Two 9t capstan winches
Mine breaching kit