The Romanian MLVM Infantry Fighting Vehicle was designed for operations in Romania’s rugged mountains. It is used as both a personnel carrier and a logistical support vehicle, and is designed to carry either a small squad of troops or supplies and ammunition. Currently, the Romanian Army has 73 MLVMs remaining in service. Production of the MLVM ceased in the late 1990s.
The Romanian MLVM Infantry Fighting Vehicle Description
The driver is on the front left and has three vision blocks to the front, the centre of which can be replaced by a night vision block. To his rear is the commander’s hatch, who has a hatch with two wide-angle vision blocks to his sides and a periscope/vision block which can be raised and rotated to allow the commander to view the area around the vehicle.
The turret is normally manned by the troop leader who has a large telescopic day sight mounted behind a protective cage, but no night vision. The rear troop compartment has three firing ports in each side and two in the rear door. The 6 troops exit the vehicle by roof hatches or a large door in the rear.
Like the BMP series, the rear doors carry some of the vehicle’s fuel supply. The vehicle is powered by a Model 798-05M2 supercharged diesel engine, which generates 154hp.
The MLVM is amphibious with a minimum of preparation; a trim vane must be erected at the front and bilge pumps turned on, taking no more than 5 minutes.
The vehicle is being upgraded with the same Israeli designed OWS-25R turret that was added to the larger Romanian MLI-84M IFV. In addition, the upgraded MLVM is to be fitted with a laser warning system, linked to the smoke grenade launchers on the vehicle. The system also provides target information (distance, range, and estimated time of weapon impact if applicable). The MLVM differs in that it has clusters of three smoke grenades on the upper front hull.
The gunner has day and night vision, and the commander’s periscope is fitted with an image intensifier.
The MLVM will be upgrade with a new compact 340hp Mercedes-Benz supercharged diesel engine coupled to an automatic transmission, as well as an associated suspension upgrade.
The vehicle will be further protected by an automatic fire detection and suppression system, one for the crew/passenger compartment and one for the engine. Radios are to be upgraded with Thales NATO-compatible.