The Turkish M52T 155mm Self propelled Gun
The USA developed a 155mm turret-less SPG howitzer called the M44, which entered production in 1950. The howitzer was mounted in a barbette (protective circular armour feature) superstructure, which was built on an M41 recon tank hull, that could be elevated from -5 to +65 degree’s and traverse 30 degree’s either left or right.
In 1952 the M52 entered production. It was basically a M44 with an enclosed turret that could traverse a full 360 degree’s. Several hundred were purchased in later years by Turkey.
In 1994 a Turkish and German collaborated upgraded prototype was trialed. All work for the upgrades were carried out in Turkey, which started in 1995. A total of 365 have been upgraded to the new M52T.

The Turkish M52T 155mm Self propelled Gun upgrades
A licence built German 155mm bore and Length 39 calibre main gun, as used on the FH-70 towed artillery system. HE rounds range is now increased to 18km (24km rocket assisted).
Modified storage racks for the larger new 155mm rounds.
Larger stabilization spade at the rear.
A new German MTU diesel engine, with increased operational range.
Turkish developed Fire Control System and Communications Equipment.