Review of the Italeri Leopard 1 A2 model tank
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This was my first Italeri kit and was of good quality. But it did have one problem, parts 123 and 124 c were missing! I double checked the instructions diagram of the kit frames and indeed the two parts weren’t on the frames, so using some left over camonet from my AMX-13 model, I made the camonet across the turret and cannon, which I had seen on actual Leopard 1’s.

The decals came in two choices, German or Italian, so I went with Italian.

The instructions were clear, but I would have rather added the side skirts and front skirts at the same time as the air-vents on the rear sides of the hull, as they proved difficult to join at different stages in the construction.
For a change I painted the tools on the hull brown and red.
I air brushed this model olive green (XF-58). I used Revell 752 for the sights and Revell 31 & 30 for the lights. I also used Humbrol acrylic 11 for the towropes and muzzle.