The Italian Fiat 3000 Light Tank was another light tank copy of the French Renault FT and modified/upgraded by another nation, in this case Italy. Entering production in 1923, only 100 were built by Fiat. It had a transversally mounted engine giving a lower engine deck and increased speed thanks to a reduced weight.
The Tipo 3000B had improved suspension, engine and a new 37mm main gun. Earlier vehicles were upgraded to the 3000B and a number remained in service until 1943.
Armament: x1 37mm Main Gun or x2 6.5mm MG’s
Dimensions: Length 3.58m / Width 1.66m / Height 2.2m
Engine: 65bhp Fiat 4-cylinder petrol
Top road speed: 24km/h
Max road range: 95km
Weight: 5.41 tonne
Protection: 16mm Steel
Crew: 2