During World War 2, the Japanese armed forces invasions focused on amphibious landings. Of course the troops during their landings required tanks to help secure the landing spots, so the Japanese Army rather than the Navy started the development of amphibious tanks, however the Navy took over this development in 1942, with production of two vehicles commencing in the same year. One was the Type 2 Ka-M1 based on the Type 95 Ha-Go Light Tank and the Type 3 Ka-Chi.
The Ka-Chi was based on the Type 1 Chi-He Medium Tank and therefore offered greater firepower for the landing zone and better protection for the crew.
The Ka-Chi was propelled in the water by two rear propellers. To decrease the chance of leakage, all apertures had rubber seals and all steel joints were welded. Steel constructed flotation devices were mounted on the glacis plate and rear deck by pincer clamps which could be released from the inside by the crew once the vehicle had landed on the beach.
The Japanese Type 3 Ka-Chi Amphibious Tank Spec’s
Armament: x1 47mm Main Gun x2 7.7mm MG
Dimensions: Length 10.3m / Width 3m / Height 3.82m
Engine: Mitsubishi 240bhp Type 100 V-12 diesel
Top road speed: 32km/h / Water 10km/h
Max road range: 319km
Weight: 28.25 tonne
Protection: 50mm Steel
Crew: 5 – 7