The Russian BRDM-3 8×8 Wheeled Reconnaissance Vehicle name comes from an initialism for Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, (RU Боевая Разведывательная Дозорная Машина), literally “Combat Reconnaissance Patrol Vehicle”.
Traditionally wheeled BRDM’s have been 4×4 in Russia. The BRDM-3 however is an 8×8 and a proposed replacement to the earlier 4×4’s in Russian Ground Forces. Its current status is not fully clear due to defence cuts.
The BRDM-3 is based on the BTR-80AK, which is the Command Version of the BTR-80A. It has a new day/night vision device in front of the commander’s position. The crew consists of 6 men (3 are demountable troops for scouting).