The Serbian SOKO SP RR 122mm Self Propelled Gun uses the D-30 Russian 122mm howitzer, which is operated by around 50 different nations and has been manufactured under licence by several countries. Yugoslav/Serbia is one of these countries and in 2004 Serbian Firm Yugoimport started development of a new 6×6 wheeled Self-Propelled Gun that could mount the D-30 howitzer. First seen at the SOFEX 2010 arms fair, the SOKO SP RR 122mm can mount other calibre howitzers:
122mm D-30 J howitzer
with appropriate standard and HE-BB ammunition, reaching combat ranges of 17.3 km with HE round and 21 km with HE/BB round.
100mm tank gun
with appropriate standard ammunition, reaching a maximum range of 24 km.
105mm / 52 cal. howitzer long
range ballistic system, with appropriate advanced ammunition reaching a range of 30 km with HE/BB round.
There are currently no known operators.