The South African Tank Technology Demonstrator was a program to develope a replacement for the South African Armoured Corps locally upgraded Centurion Medium Battle Tank designated the Olifant, with a new Main Battle Tank that offered greater Lethality, Protection and Mobility.
Under the leadership of ARMSCOR, the Tank Technology Demonstrator turret and its systems were developed by LIW Division of Denel and the hull with its systems by the then Reumech OMC.
The vehicle had a 1230hp V-8 diesel engine. It was an all welded steel construction with some form of composite armour.
The South African Tank Technology Demonstrator cancellation
Only prototype was built around 1992 resembling a Leopard 2 in appearance. It was fitted with a 105mm rifled Main Gun, however it was speculated that should it have entered production, then it would have been fitted with a 120mm smoothbore.
Instead the Olifant remained and still is in service with the South African Armoured Corp, but has been heavily upgraded.