The Ukrainian BMPV-64 Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier is a converted Russian T-64, which was a remarkable Main Battle Tank and Ukraine operates the largest fleet. The Ukraine has been developing upgrades for their fleet whilst introducing their own new Main Battle Tanks.
This has generated a surplus of T-64 tanks within the Ukraine. Most nations simply scrap surplus tanks, however there has been a recent trend, the Israelis being the first, to convert these surplus tank hulls, which offer greater armoured protection than purpose built APC’s & IFV’s into heavy personnel carriers.
The BMPV-64 was first seen in 2005 as a prototype of a Heavy Personnel Carrier built on a Ukrainian T-64 tank hull. The turret is replaced with a super structure built in to the modified hull. It uses a composite armour and Nozh explosive reactive armour. Its reported that the vehicle has a 3 man crew – driver, commander and gunner. The superstructure can accommodate up to 12 troops. The gunner operates the remotely controlled weapon station, armed with 30mm chain gun and coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. The BMPV-64 is powered by the 5TDF multi-fuel diesel engine, developing 700hp. It is original engine of the T-64 MBT.
There are no known operators of the vehicles.