The Canadian Grizzly I Tank replaced production of the Ram Tank at the Montreal Locomotive Works in 1943. Production ran of this modified American M4A1 for 4 months (September – December) resulting in 188 vehicles for the Canadian Army.
The modifications included a Canadian Dry Pin track system, British radio equipment and a 50.8mm smoke mortar mounted in the turret roof. A Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun version was also built, which had x4 20mm cannons, but only a few were built.
Armaments: 75mm Main Gun & x2 7.62mm MG’s
Armour: 75mm steel (frontal)
Crew: 5
Dimensions: Length 5.81m / Width 2.62m / Height 2.99m
Weight: 30.39 tonne
Engine: Continental R-975 C1 353bhp Petrol
Top Road Speed: 38.6km/h
Operational Range: 193 km