The German 4×4 Kfz-APEĀ aka the Amphibishche Pionererkundungs Kfz-APE was a modified 4×4 version of the 6×6 TPz Fuchs. Like the Fuchs, the vehicle had good mobility and an excellent amphibious capability thanks to a pair of external propellers mounted on the rear.
This made the vehicle ideal for reconnaissance and was accepted in to service around 1978 with the Engineering Corps of the former West German Army who were responsible (among many things) for constructing bridging points across natural obstacles like rivers for military vehicles to cross.
The APE was operated by a crew of engineers to conduct reconnaissance for possible bridging points and then use the onboard specialist equipment to survey the suitability of that possible bridging point.
It had a 20mm chain gun mounted on the roof for self-defence. It used a 320hp Mercedes-Benz OM 402A diesel, giving a top road speed of 80km/h and an amphibious top speed of 12 km/h.
The vehicle is not listed on the Germany Armies website of in-service wheeled military vehicles.