Due to the restrictions on German tank development as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to conduct a secretive development of new tanks, which included a heavy tank. In 1925 this was code named Grosstraktor, meaning “large tractor”.
In 1929 both German firms Rheinmetall and Daimler-Benz were invited to provide prototypes for testing. The Daimler-Benz prototype had a forward facing turret mounting a 75mm main gun and a rear turret mounting a 7.92mm Machine Gun. The vehicle did not make it past the prototype stage.
The German Grosstraktor 1 Tank Spec’s
Crew: 3
Armament: x1 75mm main gun and x1 7.92mm MG
Armour: 14mm (max)
Weight: 15 to 17 tonne
Top Road Speed: 40km/h
Operational Range: Unknown
Dimensions: Length 6.65m / Width 2.78m / Height 2.45m
Engine: 300hp petrol