The German LARS Leichtes Artillerie Raketen System MLRS (Multipule Launch Rocket System) was operated by the German Army. They now operate The M270 MLRS, which is designated the MARS Mittleres Artillerie Raketen System as their principal rocket artillery.

The indigenously developed LARS (Leichtes Artillerie Raketen System) was a launcher made of x36 110mm launching tubes. The launcher was mounted on the Magirus-Jupiter truck 6×6 chassis. 209 vehicles were built and entered service in 1969.

In 1980 the system went through an upgrade package and by 1983 all LARS had been upgraded. The launcher was mounted on a MAN 6×6 high mobility truck chassis.
It was given a new FIELD GUARD fire control system and improved rockets, fitted with new warheads. Cluster warhead with five AT-2 anti-tank mines or anti-personnel sub-munitions and also smoke warhead were developed. These rockets have a maximum range of 19 and 25 km.
Vehicle is fitted with 7.62-mm machine gun for self-protection and limited air defense capability.
The system was retired in 1998 and replaced with the more capable MARS aka M270 MLRS.