The Indian Tarmour Tracked Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier is a converted Russian T-55 Tank. Though the T-55 is obsolete in comparison to other tanks, its hull still offers higher levels of protection in comparison to standard APC’s and has a rework able internal space when the turret is removed.
Israel had proved that their T-55’s called the Tiran could capitalise on these benefits when they converted theirs in to the Achzarit Heavy APC. India appears to now be following this trend.
Theirs is called the Tarmour and uses a new superstructure which is reportedly covered in India’s Kanchan Composite armour, as used on the new Arjun Main Battle Tank and Abhay IFV. The vehicle offers protection far and beyond the standard APC of 7.62mm MG fire, but now protection against RPG-7’s.
The Tarmour can be fitted with a Remote Weapon Station capable of operating a .50 MG, which is controlled by the vehicle’s commander.
The vehicle has a crew of two and provides accommodation for 9 troops. Troops enter and leave the vehicle through the rear door.