Review of the The Trumpeter AS-90 SPG

Following the first step in the instructions, I came across a problem were the illustration did not show in detail how parts of the wheels went on properly, but after this there where no further complications.

On the whole I’m very pleased considering the fact its a Trumpeter model kit and how cheep it was, on how it has finished, especially the size of the magnificent cannon which is a lot bigger (I chose to build the 52cal.) than my M109!!

I air brushed this model in June 2008. the paint scheme is a standard camoflaugue, which was the only scheme it could be done in. I used Tamiya dark green (XF-61) and Tamiya flat black (XF-1) on the hull & turret. I used Revell 31 & 30 for the lights. I also used Humbrol enamel 33 (black) for the MG, muzzle, smoke grenade launchers and tracks & enamel 11 for the towropes.