The US 4×4 Cadillac Cage Ranger APC is a 1970’s developed patrol vehicle. Initially selected by the US Air Forces Police service for patrolling air bases and escort duty for convoys on public roads, it was also then exported to other nations.
Production for the US Air Force commenced in 1980 with 700 delivered by 1995. Its since been replaced with the more capable M1116 4×4, a member HMMWV Family. Its still believed to be in service with Indonesia and Luxemburg.

The US 4×4 Cadillac Cage Ranger APC Spec’s
Crew: 2 + 6 troops
Dimensions: Length 4.69m / Width 2.01m / Height 1.98m
Engine: Dodge 360 180hp
Top road speed: 112mk/h
Max road range: 482km
Weight: 4.5tonne (combat)
Protection: Steel protection against Machine Gun, No NBC